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闹 nao

Home Pinyin nao

吵闹 chǎonào cacophonous; fracas; noisy

凑热闹 còurènào join in the fun

打闹 dǎ nào fight

胡闹 húnào horseplay; horsing; monkey; monkeying

欢闹 huānnào hilarity

看热闹 kàn rènào watching the fun

哭闹 kū nào crying

闹鬼 nàoguǐ haunted

闹剧 nàojù farce; melodrama

闹市 nàoshì downtown

闹腾 nàoteng noisy

闹钟 nàozhōng alarm clock

热闹 rènào boisterous; lively

无理取闹 wúlǐqǔnào unreasonable

嬉闹 xīnào romps

喧闹 xuānnào noisy

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